Assistance with financial problems

Business and healthcare have to deal with a large number of wage reports and signals of financial concerns among employees. According to Nibud key figures, 21% of employees face medium to serious payment problems.

We offer a personal intervention. In addition, under the ‘education, training and workshops’ tab you will also find more information about a workshop and training for managers and HR advisors entitled ‘365 days of financially fit employees’.

Personal intervention
A personal intervention is used when an employee needs help with his or her financial situation. A personal solution is offered for each employee with his or her specific situation. The intake takes place at the office, at the employee's home or at an external location. During the intake, the employee is introduced, the financial situation is determined and a tailor-made improvement plan/timeframe and follow-up process is determined.

Examples of tailor-made interventions are budget coaching, budget management and debt assistance:

With budget coaching, the client will learn to put things in order himself, but above all to keep things in order. The client learns to handle money well again. He or she receives all kinds of practical tips and the financial administration is done together with the supervisor. The client sees exactly where the money goes and teaches the client to keep a cash book themselves. With budget coaching, the client has more insight into the flow of money and the issuance pattern and can often manage his own income and expenses more quickly.

Debt assistance means helping someone with debts with these debts. Together with the debt counselor, the client's financial situation is examined. It examines, among other things, how high the debts are, what fixed costs the client has, what the income is and how much can be repaid. Together we look for a solution. The shell counselor can also mediate between the client and the creditors.

In budget management, the fixed costs for the employee are paid from your own income, payment arrangements are made if applicable and the employee receives the remainder or his own living allowance. The employee himself keeps 24/7 insight into his own finances.