Online mediation

Mediation is the joint resolution of a conflict with the help of a neutral conflict mediator: the mediator. Virtually every dispute has an outcome that is acceptable to the parties involved. The mediator does not take a position, but restarts communication and helps the parties to find their own solution.

We have mediators trained in the field of online mediation. By entering into mediation online via video, we can enter into mediation without everyone having to be physically present. The aim of this method is to promote realistic negotiations between the participants.

The structure of an online mediation is goodcomparable to that of face-to-face mediation, but online. Theback office supports the process and takes care of the process if necessarytechnical support and explanation of the use of an online platform(think Skype, Zoom or Microsoft Teams). 

Hetpreliminary discussion takes place individually and is a good way for parties tomake yourself feel comfortable with online mediation. Outside the conflict, substantive matters willthe mediator answers questions specifically about online mediation.

In online mediation the logistics to choosealways tailored to customers and customer needs.