Pre mediation

What is our pre-mediation concept? The word actually says it before mediation is necessary for the real battle to arise, there may be some problems, small differences of opinion, but at first glance nothing to worry about. But minor annoyances can grow into something bigger, things that remain unspoken can continue to irritate and become bigger.
The moment you notice that minor irritations arise between you and an employee, partner or colleague, you can sit down together and talk things out and solve them, but unfortunately this does not always work out very well, some people, as our experience shows. do not always speak out very well.

We offer a pre-mediation conversation before an argument arises or a dispute arises that could lead to a sick report, or looking for another job.

We have three conversations, we start with an individual intake interview with those involved separately, in this way they can vent in peace and safety, and we know what is really going on. After these conversations, we bring parties/participants together for a joint conversation and also help make the difficult topics easily discussed, all with the aim of restoring the relationship.