Resilience module

In the resilience module, the employee is briefly guided 1 on 1 by a professional coach in increasing his resilience. The coach helps the employee discover what signals mean and where there are restrictive boundaries that may need to be shifted. Behavioral change must take place integrally to result in sustainable resilience enhancement. That is why the coaching conversations pay attention to the six facets of life – job satisfaction, stress reduction, social relationships, exercise, nutrition, meaning – that have been scientifically proven to be essential for our health and employability.  

The employee gains insight into his strength, passion and talents. This combination of insight into the present and a new, attractive view leads to a strong intrinsic motivation to actually act differently. This gives the employee an optimal balance.

The resilience module has a lead time of up to three months and includes:
•Five conversations with the employee (customization)
•General feedback to employer when closing the module