Vitality programs

We offer various forms of vitality programs, below you will find an overview:

Individual lifestyle and vitality coaching

More and more employees are struggling with lifestyle-related complaints: lack of energy, stress complaints, (over)fatigue complaints & burn-out symptoms, poor sleep, difficulty relaxing, loss of concentration, musculoskeletal complaints, drop in productivity, overweight/obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, depression or just not feeling well.

An integral Lifestyle Coach not only coaches and advises on the physical level - where the symptoms often become visible first –, but also coaches mainly on the mental, social-emotional and meaning level and in the field of pro-activity (self-management, self-management).

We are convinced that your employee - to achieve sustainable and in-depth results - should want to work not only on the symptoms, but also on the root causes of the imbalance.

Together with your employee, we will look for all the puzzle pieces that will make him feel vital again and take control of his own vitality and sustainable employability.

<>< br /> br /strongVitality check in 1 day

The “Vitality Check in 1 day” is a very effective way to introduce the “vitality” theme to large groups of employees in an enjoyable way. This workshop is used as a kick-off by many employers when implementing vitality policy in the organization.

During the Vitality Check training in 1 day, your employee draws up his own total balance by means of an integral vitality check. He gains insight into how he stands, what it takes to become and remain optimally vital and what he himself has influence on. We make employees aware of all aspects of life that determine vitality and show how they influence each other. In physical, mental, social-emotional, meaning and self-management/proactivity.

Based on awareness and insight into how things are going, your employee will start working in concrete terms this day. We provide concrete tools and inspire through a number of interactive exercises to define (follow-up) steps towards more vitality, better balance and more energy in “work & life”. Your employee will now be at the helm.

Keywords in the workshop are: awareness, clear self-insight, personal direction, intrinsic motivation, setting vitality goals and working from a concrete Action Plan.

The participants individually complete the integral vitality check in advance, so that we can get started immediately during the workshop. During the workshop we work in small groups of 10 – 15 participants to guarantee interaction and personal attention.


Vit@al! is an integral group vitality program, in which we make your employees aware of all the ingredients of a healthy lifestyle and an optimal overall balance. In order to increase sustainable employability from your own control. We guide the participants in achieving their individual objectives. For example, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, creating a better overall balance, learning to deal effectively with stress and workload and increasing your own vitality.

It is important that with this program we work in particular on the causes of imbalance and not just on the consequences, so that sustainable and in-depth results can be achieved.

Our working method is pragmatic and targeted so that participants can apply all insights obtained in practice the same day.

Twelve 2-weekly workshops of 2.5 hours support your employees in achieving their personal objectives.

Quickscan “Organization in Balans”

The Quickscan “Organization in Balance & Quot; is a unique methodology with which you can provide insight into the pain points within a team or organization in no time and transform them into sustainable solutions supported by employees.  A jointly experienced problem within the organization is started.  With the help of the Quick Scan, it quickly becomes clear what the core causes of this problem are. After this you will gain insight into the desired situation if these core causes have been resolved; Finally, it is clear what is needed to realize the new situation.

Inspiration session Vitality management

This training has been specially developed for directorates, HR managers and advisors, policy makers, managers, organizational consultants, occupational health and safety employees, internal occupational health and safety services and works councils. In short, for everyone involved in the implementation of vitality management within organizations.  During the vitality management inspiration session you will work on three levels: the vital employee, vital teams and the vital organization as a whole. You also draw up your own total balance sheet from your role as a manager or employee and take a concrete action point home to improve your own balance.   Together with the other participants, you will work out an interesting case together and create a concrete Action Plan for the implementation of vitality management within your own organization.