Workshop 'Signals of stress and burnout in the workplace for employers'

What exactly is stress? ‘How do you detect stress in yourself and others? What does it do to you? And what can you do about it? In this workshop you will learn everything about healthy and unhealthy stress in the workplace and you will receive concrete tools to identify, discuss and prevent stress in yourself and colleagues.

What tools are there to use yourself and together? How do you have a conversation about stress with your employee? You will develop a personal toolbox to avoid unhealthy stress and burnout in the workplace in the future!

This experiential workshop puts participants at the helm of their stress experience. After the workshop, participants understand what stress is, what it does. How you can recognize and identify stress in yourself and your employees. What time management tools help prevent stress. How do you discuss stress? How they can deal with their own stress and stress in others in the workplace and how they can prevent chronic stress themselves and together.

This workshop lasts 3 hours and can be used for a maximum of 15 participants.